3 thoughts on “Episode 14 – Jumping to the Wrong Conclusion

  1. Darlene says:

    Wow Luis /Wayne…this is such a tragic but same time overwhelmingly triumphant story!! God is so good, loving and Awesome….(((bighugs))) Luis, what night from hell, my sympathies bro for the loss of your dad there is never a good time, as both mine are gone for yrs now, the pain is still real to me my mom more so then my dad ❤🤗

  2. Wayne Jacobsen says:

    The picture above is the actual village where Luis and Maria grew up.

  3. John Lawton says:

    It is incredibly relevant that Rapha comes from the frequently used Hebrew word “to heal.” It is used of physical healing, healing from backsliding, etc. Raphael (or Rafael) means “God heals.” I mentioned that to a friend on Tuesday morning, before we each listened to episode 14. Then in the episode Rapha speaks of Luis’ healing from all the pain of those horrible circumstances and reactions from people. And Luis means Fighter (as in boxer, and perhaps other aspects of wrestling with the forces of darkness). Surely this whole thing is a message put together by God of our Father’s love helping us overcome, and healing us from the wounds of life and the bondages of man’s cruel religious tendencies. Such a beautiful testimony of the goodness of God, and where He is taking us all, plus how we can help one another along in this journey as we each do our part of manifesting the love, wisdom and power of Jesus to one another, and are freed and healed to be able to reflect His goodness into the Earth. How good to be alive in this magnificent time, as He matures His people to accurately show His goodness in the Earth.


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